
Zambia restricts Emeralds sales

Last month the government of Zambia restricted the sale of emeralds extracted in that country. The restriction says that emeralds produced or extracted in Zambia could not be sold abroad and had to be sell in its capital. The decision was taken, as the ministry of mines said “to keep the capital from flying and to deliver Zambians the much-needed resource.”
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Chivor Emeralds

Chivor Emeralds (Experience)

Chivor is a little town located south of Boyaca, in an area that limits with Cundinamarca. Roads to acces the area are very rudimentary and only SUVs can acces some places because of the poor condition of the roads. It is well known among the emerald trade in Colombia for it’s high quality Emerald Gemstones, given that they are considered to be among the top in Crystal quality. Not until recently Chivor was still a small producer of Colombian Emeralds, but given that Chivor emeralds are highly valuable and the demand has been increasing within buyers, production in the area has increased at accelerated rates.
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